I recently added 25 new attunements to my services. As always any attunement can be sent using the Orb of Life in a distant attunement. This allows you to enjoy your attunement in your own home and at your own pace. There is no time limits or deadlines! You are encouraged to learn at your own pace and enjoy your journey with the workings of High Priestess Dena.
I have also added new products in my Shop. Every item is charged with Energy. It's an easy way to enjoy healing frequency either with or without attunements to these energies.
I also offer new healing sessions, these can be in-person or distantly. We can start with a traditional Reiki session or Reiki and Seichim combined. With this new addition I will add on one of the attunement frequencies during the session. It allows you to experience these energies and decide on your own course of attunements. I have also added Shaman Healing sessions. These are 3 one hour session unfolded over three weeks. It's powerful life-changing energy treatments.

Check out my energy charged products in High Priestess Dena Shop. All my aromatherapies are charged with energy from attunements. Harness this energy when you wear it or use it in your magickal workings. Can be used to dress candles as well. Purchase now and receive free shipping use code FREESHIP2022
I offer traditional Reiki sessions, and I also offer Reiki and Seichim treatments. Along with this session you can also pick one add-on. This add-on is chosen from any of the attunements I offer. You can pick the energy and experience it's healing properties. I added a 3 hour Shaman Healing session administered over 3 weeks one hour a session. It's a powerful healing treatment best for drawing out negativity and stepping into your own power. I have also added a Golden Triangle healing session and it includes Goddess Isis Seichem treatment. It's a gentle beautiful energy that helps your energy gain radiance.