Empress Attunement
Empress Attunement
The Balance of Feminine and Masculine Energies Timeline Shift to your Highest Timeline The 10 0f Cup
The Empress Attunement is the balancing of your masculine and feminine energies. The feminine energy sits in the top three chakra, crown, 3rd eye and throat. The masculine energies sit in the bottom three chakras, root, sacral and solar plexus. The energies meet in the heart chakra. With all chakras balanced you can shift on to your highest timeline. You can surrender into the Universe knowing you can handle situations around you. You have the power to align with the blessings that are meant for you, without worry, without fear, without judgement, complete onto yourself. Your authority rests in your energy. You are the Empress. There are Five attunements in The Empress Attunement The Queen of Cups: Opens your Heart and 3rd Eye Chakras This will aid you as you journey into unconditional love for yourself and others. The Queen of Wands: This Attunement opens your root and sacral chakras. This is the area of Protection, Creativity and Magick. This is about using your Dark Feminine Energies to begin your Hero’s journey, and initiation through the threshold and back to authenticity. Your authenticity is your highest form of protection. As you grow into authentic self your creative energy will soar. The Queen of Swords: Opens your Throat and Crown Chakra The opening of your throat chakra aids in your ability to discern your truths and then speak those truths. This will also give you a sword of protection for your crown chakra, cutting any attachments that keep you in lower vibrational energies. The Queen of Swords is a connection to Angel energy that always serves your highest good and will protect you as you speak your truth in love and authenticity. The Queen of Pentacles: become the ‘Boss’ of your own life. This attunement will open your solar plexus and aid your confidence in yourself. This clears negativity for your DNA, and Karma to receive the gifts from the Universe. Your confidence in yourself rebuilds your energy and heals any old wounds around self-worth. When your solar plexus is open and clear you not only attract but you magnetize abundance into your life. You will know what you want, and it will come to you. You may receive these attunements 1 every 24 hours, or you can go at your own pace, the journey is yours and so is the timing. There are no prerequisites for this attunement. Included is a visualization meditation of the energies. Tarot Card Charging: You can charge any personal Tarot Decks with this balanced energy. 5 attunements
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Contact Details
Bolt + Tie Building Suite 178 1400 Main Street, Clarksville, IN 47129, USA